About us

About us

La Guia Musical is an online music academy. We are oriented towards students of all ages and personalities. Our staff is conformed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals who give their best to achieve a fascinating experience for students during the learning process.

Thus, in the family of La Guía Musical, you will find musical educators who are in constant training to improve the musical learning of our apprentices. In summary, we are pursuing a common goal: to inspire and entertain our students through the integral teaching of music.

See our courses

Our History


My name is Miguel Renatto Limo Giribaldi. I was born in Chiclayo city in Peru. I am a professional music teacher. My path in music education began long before the beginning of my career as a professional musician and until now it has accompanied me. Thus, since 2009 I was teaching music. In 2015 I had an approach to learning theories because of my thesis and that same year I formed a multidisciplinary group to develop a platform that we called La Guia Musical, where various instruments are taught through instructional videos on YouTube. The following year, I graduated from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) obtaining the 1st place in the Music Career and during 2017 I applied what I have learned on my research to my private students and to the students of the school band of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe school where I was doing my thesis, being fascinated with the proposals of meaningful learning theory proposed by David Ausubel.

Later, La Guía Musical expanded its options by adding classes at home. In 2018, I published two guitar teaching books based on what I learned during my studies, obtaining positive results and with the arrival of the pandemic and virtual classes in 2020, we developed an agile teaching methodology that arrived to the objectives set for each student without the need of presence. Due to this success, students from other regions of Peru and around the world began to enroll in La Guía Musical. , At the present date we have students in Lima, Arequipa, Tacna, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom

Currently and with nearly 10 years in the field of music education, La Guía Musical has more than 1,000 subscribers on its YouTube channel, more than 80,000 views on its videos, and has the equipment and the necessary experience to enrich our participants through music.

The Teaching Paradigm


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+ 1,000




+ 80,000


+ 10 years


Renatto Limo Giribaldi

1st place in UPC Music career

Student of the Master in Cognition, Learning and Development of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP).

Vocation teacher

Professional Musician

Sebastian Espejo

Bachelor in Music at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Student of the Master of Performing Arts at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) Multi-instrumentalist musician Fan of Atleti and Paolo Guerrero

Mariafé Cárdenas

Industrial engineer from the University of Piura (UDEP) Dreamer at night Builder by day Jerry Rivera’s #1 fan

Rodrigo Benavente

Bachelor in Music from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Salsa lover Specialist in tropical rhythms Musician at Royal Caribbean Cruises